6th European Workshop on Lipid Mediators


Educational session on September 27th

Collaborative Research Centre sessions on September 28th

  • Session A. Lipid mediators and resolution of inflammation
  • Session B. Sphingolipids Session C. Cytochrome P450 pathways and sEH

European Workshop on Lipid Mediators - Scientific Sessions, September 29-30th

  • Session 1. Fat tissue-derived bioactive lipids and lipid droplets: Physiology and pathophysiology.
  • Session 2. Prostaglandins, leukotrienes and n-3 PUFAs in cancer
  • Session 3. Proteo-metabolo-lipidomics
  • Session 4. Young Investigator Session
  • Session 5. Cyclooxygenase pathway, prostacyclin and PGE2 synthesis in the cardiovascular system
  • Session 6. Pharmaceuticals based on eicosanoids / lipid mediator pharmacology and receptors

We especially welcome graduate and postdoctoral students (<35 years old) to attend this workshop: a special session will be devoted to them (Young SESSION with 3 travel awards of 350 euros each) and a NEW Poster-Award (3 Ambiotis travel awards on Resolution of 270 euros each) will be offered.

In addition, abstracts for posters can be submitted online deadline: June 30th, 2016, and 31 additional oral communications will be selected from the submitted abstracts.

The registration fee is 300 euros (50 euros for students or post-docs).

Feel free to go on our website for on-line information, registration and abstract submission.

We look forward to your participation.

Event Details
Ruth-Moufang-Straße 2
60438 Frankfurt am Main