Sylvia Cienciala Project:Therapeutic immunomodulation of rheumatoid arthritis by recombinant MHCII-peptide-complexes: Molecular Mechanisms behind the induction of regulatory T cellsSupervisor:Prof. Dr. Harald Burkhardt
Fredy Delgado Lagos Project:The role of monocyte-derived SMOC-1 in the regulation of monocyte polarization and transforming growth factor-b signallingSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Ingrid Fleming
Sina Fuchs Project:Novel therapies for the resolution of chronic inflammation in autoimmune hepatitisSupervisor: PD Dr. Urs Christen
Christian Grimm Project:Adaptive mutations in HCV NS5A and impact on protein structure: Implications for viral variant fitness and persistenceSupervisors:Dr. Christian WelschDr. Christian LangeProf. Dr. Stefan Zeuzem
Kerstin Hiesinger Project:Duale Inhibitoren der LTA4 Hydrolase und der löslichen Epoxidhydrolase als neuartige entzündungsauflösende WirkstoffeSupervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Eugen Proschak
Laura Jablonka Project:PBPK modelling for liposomal parenterals based on in vitro drug release and cell culture studiesSupervisor: Dr. Matthias G. Wacker
Anna Kraus Project:Vitamin D als Kofaktor der EntzündungsauflösungSupervisor:Prof. Dr. Klaus Badenhoop
Benjamin Kühn Project:New antiphlogistics based on fatty acid derivatives containing a Michael acceptor structureSupervisor:Prof. Dr. Dieter Steinhilber
Claudia Rehwald Project:HDAC4 in Makrophagen nach Interaktion mit apoptotischen Zellen Supervisors:Dr. Shahzad Nawaz SyedProf. Bernhard Brüne
Christian Ringel Project:S1P receptor 4 as a novel target to interfere with chronic inflammationSupervisors:Dr. Andreas WeigertProf. Dr. Harald Burkhardt
Andrea E. Vasconez Project:Analyse der Rolle von NoxO1 bei entzündlichen DarmerkrankungenSupervisor:PD Dr. Katrin Schröder
Marek Wanior Project:Immunmodulation durch spezifische Bromodomän Protein-Protein-Interaktions InhibitorenSupervisor:Prof. Dr. Stefan Knapp