Leonard Blum Project:The role of the fatty acid signaling in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosisSupervisor:PD Dr. Susanne Schiffmann
Caroline Fischer Project:Targeting lysophosphatidic acids in itch and autoimmunitySupervisors: Prof. Dr. Irmgard TegederProf. Dr. Ellen Niederberger
Pascal Heitel Project:Identification of Novel RXR Ligands as Potential Anti-Inflammatory DrugsSupervisor: Prof. Dr. Manfred Schubert-Zsilavecz
Lisa Nothnagel Project:New formulations of TMP-001 for the treatment of MSSupervisor:Dr. Matthias G. Wacker
Leonie Stolz Project:Role of coagulation factors in the development of MS and EAESupervisor:Prof. Dr. Christian Förch
Anna Waclawek Project:Hemmung der Leukozyten-Endothel-Interaktion: Mechanismen der anti-inflammatorischen Wirkung von NarciclasineSupervisor:Prof. Dr. Robert Fürst